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Scoil Bhailenóra, Ballinora, Waterfall, Co. Cork
Scoil Bhailenóra, Ballinora, Waterfall, Co. Cork

Intermediate Chess

21st Jan 2025

Welcome to Scoil Bhailenóra's Intermediate Chess Page!

If you've mastered the basics and are ready to take your chess skills to the next level, you're in the right place!
Our intermediate group focuses on sharpening tactics, improving strategy, and building confidence in competitive play.

Here, you'll explore advanced openings, mid-game strategies, and endgame techniques to outsmart your opponents and refine your game.

Keep practicing, stay focused, and let's continue the journey to chess mastery together!

  1. Intermediate - Opening principles
  2. Italian Game - Opening
  3.  4 Move checkmate trap.
  4.  Queen's Gambit
  5. Orthosnapp Gambit
  6. Scholars mate defence
  7. Beat the Englund gambit